Building Resilience through Sustainable Agriculture (BRSA)

EU Sponsored Project


To contribute to the resilience of agriculture-related coping mechanisms of IDPs, Returnees, Host and returning community members in Mubi North, Mubi South and Maiha LGAs in Adamawa State, North-East Nigeria.

Mubi North

Mubi North LGA

Our work here ...
Mubi South

Mubi South LGA

Our work here ...
Maiha LGA

Maiha LGA

Our work in Maiha...
Implemented by American University of Nigeria (AUN) and GIZ, this project applies the principles of strengthening of Agricultural Extension Workers, to further enhance the capacities and improve livelihood of farmers' returnees, farmers in host communities and farmers that are IDPs in 3 LGAs (Mubi North, Mubi South, and Maiha LGAs) in Adamawa State.

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